Use Your Own Bible

You are strongly encouraged to use your own Bible to verify information on these pages.

One of the common arguments is that any given religion may have their own custom Bible they are using. So it's usually best to verify texts for yourself. Note that there are many different translations: from literal translations of the Hebrew and Greek, to the "politically-correct" and "ghetto-speak" versions.

Translations that simply convert from one language to another typically paint the same picture. And often it's best to look at several translations when something isn't clear, or when a sentence can be read with multiple meanings. Translations that deliberately massage the content and usually worthless because so much information is lost, twisted, or watered down.

The online Bible is the King James Version, a widely accepted and very accurate translation. When other translations may provide insight, they will be sited in the text. In addition, some materials may actually draw upon the Hebrew or Greek text; the accuracy can be verified with any Hebrew or Greek dictionary.