Understanding jQuery

jQuery – it’s a AJAX library that uses a very terse notation to do an awful lot in JavaScript. Here’s a good explanation for developers that are unfamiliar with the library — it explains a mental picture of what’s going on, enough that you can pick up the library and start using it for more than just trivial tasks.

I’ve been playing a lot with AJAX recently, and have discovered a library that I’m quickly falling in love with: jQuery.

To provide you with context, I’m a software engineer and have been developing commercial applications for well over twenty years. I’ve played with Javascript when it was young, and I was unimpressed. I played with JavaScript when it was a little more mature, but because of Microsoft’s horrific incompatibilities with Internet Explorer verses the way the rest of the world worked, I gave up. Perhaps prematurely. But, none the less, I didn’t pay any more attention to the world of scripting on the web than whatever problem I had to demanded.

Then along came Ruby on Rails. I was surprised to learn that someone had actually written a library to abstract away JavaScript differences — what a clever solution! To that end, I started looking at Prototype and became impressed at the cleverness of the helper functions. That got me to look at Scriptaculous, and suddenly the world of JavaScript didn’t seem so bleak.

But jQuery. Wow. This library resonated with me very quickly, and I started thinking in and doing more functional programming than I had ever done before (opposed to procedural and object oriented). The library was so easy to use, that I was able to do quite a lot with it without understanding it. That was months ago, but today something clicked. I started to see in my mind’s how exactly how jQuery does its magic, and in such a way as to describe it to someone who’s never used one of these AJAX libraries before.

Javascript, she ain’t that bad

Javascript allows one to define classes. Those classes can be extended — don’t think in terms of derived subclasses, but rather actually plastering on additional methods to a pre-established class. Additionally, those methods can have overloaded signatures. And for the sake of brevity, identifiers we’d never use in other languages, are perfectly acceptable short names. We’ve been taught that although identifiers can start with things like dollar signs and underscores, to stay away — these are for library writers and operating systems people. Even though a single dollar sign might be legally syntactically, one should never do it; though in the world where network speed and space matters, such short names are encouraged. Finally, blocks of code, the very stuff you would call functions, can exist all on their own — all you need is a reference to them, they don’t need a name.

Accept all the above as a given, and a tribute to what’s become of JavaScript while you’ve been playing in other languages.

Groking jQuery

Now at this point, I’ll express my conceptual view of jQuery, and while it may not be technically correct or even how it’s implemented, the mental model will give you gross insights has to how you ought to use the library.

Imagine if you will a class called jQuery. Rather than having to type out jQuery each time, we use an alias, a simple dollar sign (the shortest legal identifier that’s not alphanumeric). Its sole job, internally, is to maintain a collection of references to pre-existing elements in your DOM. This collection may be empty, contain one, or more elements. As the developer using jQuery, you need never see this list; you only deal with the jQuery object itself. Ever.

jQuery has many overloaded constructors, which is how it learns what elements to keep in its internal list. You can provide it a reference to an element, a kind of element, an id of an element, a CSS class used by elements, an XPath to one or more elements, straight blocks of HTML, etc. It can even use another jQuery object (which contains a list). jQuery has exotic syntax for picking very specific elements based on conditions and attributes; it even has filters to removing elements from the list.

The actual list isn’t important, because after it’s done with the constructor, all you have is a jQuery object. And the only thing you can do at that point is call jQuery methods. But, oh how clever is jQuery!

Anytime you call a method of jQuery, it does an internal for-each across its internal list, applying your method to every DOM element in its internal collection. Once more, when it’s done, it returns the very jQuery object that was just used.

Object oriented developers know what this means: you can chain methods, creating long strings of behaviors!

jQuery directly manipulates the DOM in a browser-specific manner under the hood, so that you get one, simple, transparent, elegant way of expressing what you want. The actual implementation details are no concern; if a method exists, it works the same way everywhere, regardless of browser.

And, because jQuery operates on numerous elements by twiddling the DOM, it’s possible to write a small piece of code but hook it in all over the place… a process that used to be quite tedious, but can now be done after the fact, meaning your raw HTML is uncluttered.

The Simple Example

Let’s look at a simple tutorial like example.

$(“.xyzzy a”).click(function(){
return false;

Quite literally, this says create a jQuery object that is a collection of every anchor in containers with a class of ‘xyzzy’, then assign its onClick event handler to reference a function (that has no name!) that displays an alert message.

In Conclusion

That’s pretty much it. The two things to learn are the number of various constructs and types that can be passed to the constructors and filters, and the other thing is the various methods that affect those elements. That’s the meat of it.

jQuery has other helper functions and such, but those are easily mastered. And, once you’ve got those under your belt, check out the plug-ins that are additional methods bolted on to the jQuery object.

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