Hardest Decision I’ve Had To Face

Which is more important, a room full of corporate servers overheating, or the air you have to breath?

This Monday I had the hardest decision I’ve ever had to face at work.

Being the first one to arrive, I heard a terrible sound of struggling server fans. Our landlord had turned off the air-conditioning and closed the door to the server room.

I opened the closet door and was hit with a scalding wave of dry heat. The servers were physically hot to the touch.

So, I set my things down, fired up the A/C, and opened my office door.

Turns out, the prior Friday I had gone to Chipotle and ordered three soft chicken tacos. I ate two, wrapped the other in foil, and forgot to take it home with me.

My office smelled like death, since the taco had been roasting in an air-conditionless office all weekend.

My dilemma? …we only have one small portable office floor fan.

(My office won.)

How’s Work?

I just stumbled onto the worst circular reference ever.

My wife and I went out to lunch, and she asked me how work was going.

“Well, it’s alright… I haven’t been able to spend any time coding, we’ve been in meetings the past few days.”

“How come you don’t just write code?”

“Cause we haven’t discussed the right thing to build, we haven’t had any meetings; …see, we’d been coding.”

Good Friends That Make You Look Bad

What do you do when your significant other leaves for a long duration?

I have a friend who’s girlfriend is going to be out of town for the week. He writes me stating that he’s going to fix her computer, get her a new phone, catch a show with her before she leaves, and detail her car before she returns.

He’s a better man than I.

Me? My wife is leaving as well. My plan? Leave the toilet seat up all week.