The Safeway to Apologize

True story — how to abuse a nosy florist.

Recently we went to Colorado to visit my sister who was having her second baby. Our job was to babysit her 21 month old, while she did the hard work at the hospital.

They were very kind in lending us their hybrid van and a baby seat, which allowed us to trek around town without being stuck in the comfort of a custom built home, trapped on mountain with spontaneously visiting wildlife, surrounded by nature and vast scenic panoramic views.

My dad sent an email asking if we could pick up a box of nice chocolate, so that when my sister got home from the hospital, she’d have something to enjoy. Sure, we could do that. Perfect excuse to ride into town.

So, we put the toddler in the van and drove to Safeway.

Now in Colorado, it’s dry. Very dry. So you have to drink a lot of water to stay hydrated. As such, my wife sent me on a mission to get the chocolate, while she hunted down the facilities.

So, I pushed the baby over to the candy aisle, then the cooking aisle, then the checkout counters, …no boxed chocolate to be found.

Then it hit me: try the florist.

As I got near the section, the toddler went nuts as we passed the stuffed animals. However, as we got closer, it was quite clear his real interest was in the balloons. And, since we already had a four foot mylar balloon tied to the shopping cart, I figured I’d head right to the service desk where I abruptly startled a woman cutting flowers that didn’t see me coming.

“Excuse me.”

“Wha?! Oh, yes. May I help you?”

“I hope so. I’m looking for boxed chocolates.”

“Did you try the candy aisle? We sell flowers, here.”

“Yes, I tried that, but no boxed sets. So I thought I’d have better luck here.”

“Why would you say that?”

“Because this is the general ‘apology’ section, is it not?”

She pondered for a moment what I was getting at, and then the image of chocolates and flowers together hit her. “Oooooh!” she smiled, “What exactly are you apologizing for?”

I couldn’t help myself. It was evil. It was wrong.

I looked at the toddler, then back at her, and said: “I thought it was your turn to use the contraceptive.”

…she personally led me to the most expensive boxed chocolates at the front of the store.


Did I just have the first recorded iDream, because there was an iPhone in it… I wonder how AT&T is gonna charge this conversation. (Read on to see the conversation, which was just as strange.)

True story.

I was standing at a urinal when my iPhone rings. Now, normally I don’t answer the phone while in a restroom, but I was curious as to who was calling me as I haven’t made the number widely public yet. A huge green banner said it was my wife.

It was at that moment I woke up.

Or, more accurately, half-way woke up.

It was the middle of the night, I was under the covers, and when I turned my head, I could clearly see my wife sound asleep, and beyond her, my iPhone sitting in the charger, dark.

Yet, still half asleep, I could still ‘hear’ my iPhone ringing in my dream. Curious now as to what would happen, I decided as an experiment to answer it. I closed my eyes and instantly I was back in the dream in front of the urinal holding the phone.

I touched the answer button, lifted the phone to my face, and crystal clear I heard my wife say, very annoyed at me: “Clearly, you aren’t getting the symbolism here.” And then she abruptly hung up on me.

So, I put the iPhone in my pocket, woke up, and made my way to the rest room.

[Is this the first recorded iDream?]