Children of the Shenandoah

Children are the living messages we send to a time we will not see.
   -- Neil Postman

Stoneburner Genealogy Files

At the request of many who attend the Stoneburner reunions in Edinburg each year, family pages for those families have been created and placed here in downloadable files. These represent but a small portion (less than 2%) of holdings and, since their creation, have become somewhat dated.

These vanilla ASCII files are intended to be directly copied to an HP LaserJet or InkJet with a fixed pitch font printed at six lines per inch. In addition, various printers either do or do not skip the first and last half inch on each page.

Therefore, these files have control characters as their first line to establish these parameters which you may need to edit for other printers.

Of course you may use any editor of your choice to read and/or print the files.


Those files with an extent of .PRT should be able to be copied directly to a HP (compatible) laser printer or inkjet printer. For pin printer (e.g. EPSON), you may need to delete the escape sequences from the first line. The files are:

31 Mar 1998 - 9K
Descendents (the few known) of David (ca. 1805-1892), father of William Henry 51:1, excluding those below.
16 Mar 2002 - 294K
Descendants of William Henry Stoneburner (1829-1882), with the exception of those of his sixth child, Charles.
4 Feb 2005 - 185K
Descendants of Charles (1860-1929) (such a large number that he was processed separately).
10 Aug 2000 - 220K
10 Aug 2000 - 326K
Over a dozen (unrelated?) Stoneburner families where each progenitor has a unique number (e.g. STN:1, STN:13, STN:4,...). STN:1-9 has first nine STNs, etc. Note numbers needed when you run query.
13 Apr 1998 - 229K
Combined index for above (*.PRT) files only
This file represents less than 2% of the master index. (LASERJET, INKJET format; assumes 15 char/inch fixed pitch font). Ready to be copied to printer (COPY INDEX.PRT PRN)

It is also possible to search the indexes online for more current data.


Paul D Stoneburner
9307 Lundy Court
Burke, VA 22015
Voice: 703-451-1565
e-mail: [email protected]
ICQ 17315692

The Genealogical area is maintained by Paul Stoneburner and is hosted by Wizard Workshop and Company.