Walt's Photography

Because sometimes you just want a nice photo of yourself...


Where's the code? While photographing events, we often interact with the public, answering questions and giving away free photos.

Rather than trading emails, dealing with attachments, or burning CDs we've found a much better way to pass along photos and information: Codes.

What we've done is printed up a bunch of images from the studio portfolio, put contact information along with a unique code on the back.

The visitor can simply enter the code on the card and instantly be taken to personalized content, obtaining photos via the web, often within hours of when they were taken.

Clients Love It, Too

The same code technique can be used to check on status, grant models and clients early access their photos, and even order prints.

Got a Code?

Did someone hand you a card or coin with a code on the back?

Enter that code here:

Want to model?

If you have an interesting concept that you'd like to pursue, send it to us. We may pick you and offer a TFP shoot.
► More info.